The Love Coach
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The Love Coach
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Intimacy & Conscious Slow Sex
- Your sex drive is gone?
- You feel empty? Bored? Tired?
- You feel without lust for intimacy, or at least with your own partner
- Is it expected from you to “deliver” an orgasm or any sexual act
- Do you prefer to avoid any intimate touch with your partner?
- Do you constantly try to get sexually but feel rejected
The reasons for these feelings, (honeymoon over or not) are mainly:
- Our highly sexualized society
- Performance expectations in our accelerated pace of life
- Demands for perfection turning sex, togetherness and love into a competition.
- Reality disappoints comparing to our ever-present ideal images
- The ways we practise sexuality e.g. “Men are supposed to give a woman an orgasm and her orgasm proves the quality of his work”
My Coaching
- To finally understand your own body and the body of your partner and
- To clarify the concept of “how to get a woman to an orgasm”
- To realise how full presence with each other affects the quality of lovemaking
- To understand both of your body’s reaction, to find deeper pleasure
- To learn about cervical orgasm and to raise the bar of your intimate connection
- To bring Un-Intention into the play and therefore more lightness
- To forget everything you know about sex you learned and
- To begin to meet each other again as a couple
- To feel deep connection for days after this kind of lovemaking
- To experience a loving, harmonious, happy relationship
CERVIX – Cervical Orgasm
You have heard about the Cervix, but do you know her power?
The Cervix is the most intimate, vulnerable, precious organ you have in your womb.The Cervix is able to give us the most amazing long waves of orgasm with the impact to fill both partners with the Love Hormone Oxytocin for days.
What is your orgasm history?
- Do you fake orgasm and feel ashamed? (Sorry, guys: Up to 80 percent of women admit faking it)
- Are you used to get your orgasm by clitoris stimulation?
- Are you tired of it?
- What about the G-spot?
- And what about the Cervix?
How does it affect the man?
- "How on Earth! I feel I have waisted my sex-life until experiencing something like this!”
- “I am always amazed by how little activity on my part leads to multiple orgasms for my partner and how refreshed and elated I feel after our love making. It feels holy and healing.”
- "I became happier more fulfilled“
- "Now I got a better life, in all senses“
- "I feel sexually fulfilled and stress-free. Before it was always so much stress to get sex”.
- "I am closer to myself and closer than before to my partner“
- "I’ve become a better man“
Here is the trailer (in German): “Slow Sex – how sex can make us happy” based on the book by Diana Richardson
One Testimonial:
I had not discovered any orgasmic pleasures in my life until I experienced a Cervix Orgasm. It took me time to actually reach the Cervix, because my Yoni (vagina in Sanskrit) has been hardened due to fast and too soon entries of a Lingam-Holder (Lingam is penis in Sanskrit).
This is nobody’s fault, I just didn’t know otherwise.
Each Yoni has its own way, its own life.
She needs to be respected as such.
That wisdom I was able to learn, actually RE-learn!
With this RE-learning I received healing and incredible pleasure, what I wish for all women. I believe we all need it desperately.
There is an ancient wisdom in the Yoni: she knows and feels everything. Allowing the Yoni to feel all her sensitivities again and be guided by it, then we can learn to guide our partners to bring us to amazing waves of pleasure.
The Yoni knows the way.
She seeks for the Lingam herself.
He does not need to do anything, not even having an erection.
She does it all.
That is the amazing unbelievable beauty.
Together with a conscious loving man, the path to the Cervix will open and when the Lingam finally touches her, softly and still, not moving, there is a FIRE WORK of lasting, repeating waves starting.
It’s absolutely MAGIC.
I am an AC (Association of Coaching, UK) accredited Love - Coach.
© 2024 by Sabina Rademacher. Website design by lexmake